The Twisted Wheel. The birthplace of Northern Soul part 1.

One of my love affairs has always been with music and especially soul music. Having an elder brother who was into the new Tamla Motown’s sound I was brought up to the 4 4 beat of songs coming out of the USA. At the time there were only one or two places where this music was played. Locally there was a club that is now synonymous with Northern Soul. The Twisted Wheel. Originally it was a coffee bar frequented by “Modernists” with sharp clothes and Italian scooters. My brother being one of these. A sharp dressed Mod. During it’s lifetime the club moved between 2 locations, Braznose Street and Whitworth Street, Manchester​. Over the next few weeks I’ll try and bring you a few of the key records I heard and still love today. Please look these up on YouTube as I’m not yet up to linking them up myself. Try keeping your feet still when their playing. Enjoy this first edition. 

This first one is the B-side of  ‘The Shoop Shoop Song, it’s in his kiss’.

My favourite is ‘Open the door to your heart’. Just beautiful. 

Last one for this post.

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